There are space arks hidden under the Earth to evacuate humanity

Michael Salla, an exopolitics specialist, has tried to reassure humanity that if a global catastrophe occurs, huge ships are ready to take people to a safe place in the universe.

Have you ever considered the possibility that there are gigantic spaceships hidden beneath the surface of the Earth? This idea may sound far-fetched, but there are those who firmly believe in it. According to professor and exopolitics specialist Michael Salla , these supposed “ space arks ” would be prepared to intervene in the event of a global crisis that would render our planet uninhabitable .

Salla claims to have several reliable sources who have informed him of the existence of these ships, including a contact within the United States Army who has been taken on secret missions in which he has seen some of these arks with his own eyes.

What exactly are “space arks”?

According to Salla's descriptions, these space arks are flying megastructures of colossal size, capable of evacuating a large number of people, animals and flora in the event of a global disaster that threatens to extinguish life on Earth. These ships would be buried in various strategic locations around the world, ready to be activated and fulfill their mission when humanity is in danger of extinction.

Prepared for a global crisis

The theory suggests that these space arks would not only be prepared to act in the event of a global catastrophe, such as a meteor strike or nuclear war, but also if humanity evolves and needs a more suitable place to live. Salla believes that these ships were put there by ancient races who had knowledge of the end times and the need to preserve life on Earth.

These space arks are a kind of insurance for humanity, a way to ensure that no matter what happens, there will always be a chance for life to continue," Salla explains.

Where does this theory come from?

The idea that there are spaceships hidden beneath the Earth is not new and has been discussed in several ancient cultures and civilizations. Some of the best-known references are found in Hindu sacred texts, such as the Vedas and the Puranas, which describe “flying cities” or “vimanas” capable of traveling through the air and space.

In the Sumerian tradition, there is also talk of the " Anunnaki ", a race of beings supposedly from another planet, who would have established underground bases on Earth. These bases could be the same space arks that Salla speaks of.

Evidence and testimonies

Although the space ark theory sounds incredible, Salla claims to have evidence and testimonies to back it up. One of his most reliable sources is an alleged ex-military man who worked on secret projects for the US government.

The testimony of the ex-military

This ex-military man, whose identity remains anonymous for security reasons, claims to have been taken on several secret missions in which he was able to see some of these space arks with his own eyes. According to his testimony, these ships were enormous structures, buried beneath the Earth's surface, with extremely advanced technology that defies current human understanding.

"What I saw down there was so advanced that I can't even begin to describe it. It was like I had been transported to a completely different world, one where science and technology have reached unimaginable levels," the former military man said.

Archaeological evidence and mysterious findings

In addition to the testimonies, Salla and other researchers point to various archaeological evidence and mysterious findings that could be related to these space arks. For example, huge underground structures have been discovered in Turkey, some of which could be entrances to these alleged ships.

Likewise, artifacts and remains have been found in various places around the world that seem to not fit with our current knowledge of human history, suggesting the possibility that they were created by ancient advanced civilizations or even extraterrestrial beings.

Skepticism and criticism

Unsurprisingly, the space ark theory has been met with much skepticism and criticism from the scientific community and those demanding concrete evidence. Many dismiss the idea as mere speculation or a conspiracy theory with no real basis.

Lack of conclusive evidence

One of the main arguments against this theory is the lack of hard evidence to support it. If these huge spaceships buried beneath the Earth really did exist, shouldn't we have found more tangible evidence of their existence?

Skeptics argue that with today's technology and advances in underground exploration, it would be virtually impossible to hide structures of such magnitude without being detected.

Criticism of sources and testimonies

Another point of criticism is the reliability of the sources and testimonies presented by Salla and other proponents of this theory. Many question the veracity of the alleged ex-military personnel and anonymous contacts, since there is no way to verify their claims.

Furthermore, some experts suggest that these testimonies could be the result of confusion or misinterpretation, rather than solid evidence of the existence of these space arks.

A fascinating but controversial theory

Despite criticism and skepticism, the theory of hidden space arks beneath the Earth continues to capture the attention of many people. Whether you believe it or not, it is undeniable that this idea is fascinating and sparks the imagination.

Regardless of its veracity, this theory reminds us that there are still many mysteries in our world that we have not solved, and that the possibility of technologies and knowledge beyond our current understanding cannot be completely ruled out.

Until there is definitive evidence to confirm or refute the existence of these space arks, this theory will remain a topic of debate and speculation for those seeking answers to the deepest mysteries of our universe.

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