Aliens will not contact Terra because they will not detect intelligent life here, says the study

Technological sinais of our planet may never be reached by extraterrestrial civilizations. Fermi's Paradox says that for the nature of the universe, it proves that aliens have developed long-distance space travel and, therefore, it is possible that they may have come to Earth.

But in the absence of evidence from these visits it may indicate that there is no other intelligent civilization out there. Now, a new study raised another hypothesis for the fact of extraterrestrials does not come into contact: they do not detect a signal of intelligent life on our planet.

Difficulty of detecting this article was suggested by Amri Wandel, astrophysicist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Published in the scientific database arXiv, the study (which is still not peer-reviewed) suggests that intelligent extraterrestrials may not be specifically interested in planets that host life.

According to as a scientist, life evolved on many planets in the galaxy, so extraterrestrials would probably be more interested in things where they are not just about biology, but about technology.

The problem is that technological sinais can be difficult to detect. Terra has only been emitting detected space sinais (in the form of radio waves) since the 1930s. In this case, these sinais have reached about 15 thousand stars and its planets in orbit, but this is a small fraction of about 400 billions of stars that exist in the Milky Way.

Wandel's study suggests that, unless intelligent civilizations are very abundant, with more than 100 million technologically advanced planets in the Milky Way, it proves that the Earth's sinais have not reached another form of intelligent life. However, as time goes by, and as our planet transmits more and more radio conversations, it becomes more likely that terrestrial technological sinais will find intelligent devices.

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