James Webb Telescope spots mysterious objects in space: NASA finally tells us the truth.
Scientists have discovered a signal which may be from a star system that has life. The James Webb Space Telescope, one of the most historic breakthroughs in astronomy, has enabled the search for planets revolving around nearby stars. Recently, potential evidence of life was detected in one such star system.
The Signal Trapped in Proxima Centauri
In April of 2019, a signal was found coming from Proxima Centauri, the nearest star system to our Sun. The signal came to be referred to as Breakthrough Listen Candidate One (BLC1), found using the Parkes radio telescope in Australia for the Breakthrough Listen project, which is committed to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
Millions of signals were observed during the observation, but only one was notable for its unknown source. To qualify as a technosignature, the signal must satisfy two conditions:
Narrow frequency band: There is no known natural
phenomenon that can produce this kind of signal.
Frequency fluctuation: Must demonstrate changes consistent
with the motion of the exoplanet compared to Earth.
Finally, after excluding human activity, only one, unexplained signal was left.
Comparison with the "Wow!" Signal
This new signal has already been likened to Ohio State University's Big Ear radio telescope "Wow!" signal detected in 1977. That narrowband signal was the first signal that many believed signified possible extraterrestrial communication. Since then, though, despite numerous observations by other telescopes, it has never again been detected. As such, it is even more mysterious.
Proxima B: A Habitable World or a Threat?
Researchers are pinning their hopes on Proxima B, which is a planet revolving around Proxima Centauri. Though it is exposed to powerful solar flares by virtue of being close to its star, speculation is that it might have a shield of protective magnetic field like Earth.
Some theories propose that Proxima B might be an uninhabitable planet, and this would make it easier to colonize for humans. On the other hand, if the planet had extraterrestrial life, it may have developed differently from Earth, and this may be dangerous to humans.
Proxima B Features
Proxima B is approximately 1.3 times the mass of Earth and would have an estimated surface gravity of 1.45 G, making humans heavier there. If its density is comparable to Mars, then its gravity would be reduced, enabling more ease of movement.
This exoplanet is also tidally locked, so it keeps the same face to its star at all times, resulting in one very hot side and one cold side. Only in the center, where the temperature would be more moderate, could a habitable world exist.
How Will James Webb Detect Life on Proxima B?
To detect signs of life on Proxima B, scientists search for biosignatures, including the presence of plants. In a past mission, the Galileo spacecraft identified plant life on Earth by measuring its red and infrared light signature. Applying the same principle, James Webb will examine the atmospheres of exoplanets to detect signs of life.
Is the Mysterious Signal Real?
The signal received by Proxima Centauri is still a mystery. Though attempts were made to look for a natural cause or human interference source, the possibility of it having originated from an extraterrestrial civilization cannot be ruled out.