"I'm A Time Traveler From The Year 2345, I'm So Sorry For What's Coming"


I shouldn't be here.

I wasn't supposed to initiate contact. But after what I've witnessed, I cannot remain silent.

My name is irrelevant. My mission is classified. But you must hear the truth: The future is not what you believe it is. The world you know—the life you hold dear—is headed for something disastrous. And I'm deeply sorry.

I am from the year 2345, a time so alien to yours it would be foreign. Humanity has endured, but we are not flourishing. The world is not a utopia of flying cars and interstellar travel that your science fiction foretells. It is a world of lack, of control, of repercussions.

I wasn’t sent here to warn you. That would be a violation of everything the Temporal Authority stands for. But after what I witnessed—after what you will soon witness—I couldn’t stand by and let history repeat itself.

The Event That Changes Everything

In your time, you worry about wars, politics, and climate disasters. You think these are the great threats to your existence. But what’s coming is something else entirely.

There is a thing—a moment in human time—that changes everything. I can't say exactly when. I can't say exactly how. But what I can say is this: It is unnatural. It is something that humanity was not ready for. And when it occurs, the world will never be the same.

Your governments cannot prevent it. Your scientists cannot account for it. And by the time you understand what's happening, it will be much too late.

A Future You Wouldn't Recognize

In 2345, your civilization is no more. The continents are rearranged. The oceans are altered. Society has been remolded under a single force—one that arose out of the turmoil of what's to come.

You will give up freedoms that you never realized you possessed. You will exist in a new world, a world controlled not by the masses, but something far greater. Something you're not yet familiar with.

I don't share this with you to frighten you. I share this with you because I think that the past can be altered. All ripples of time bring with them new things. All steps you take from this point on could change what's ahead.

What You Have To Do

Listen. See past what you are informed. Ask questions no one else is asking. There are signs—there are patterns. And when they first start to arise, you must respond.

Many of you will write this off as fiction, a conspiracy theory, a scam. That is precisely what those in control would desire. Those who understand that which is soon to arrive.

But for the listeners—who believe—remember this: The future is not written in stone. And perhaps, perhaps you can alter what's ahead.

I only wish that by shattering my silence, I haven't already sealed our fates.

—A traveler, out of time.

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  1. So if he not came to warn us for an obscure force which he cannot reveal, what is he doing here and if he thought we might still be able to change it, obviously we didn't, otherwise he didn't need to come to warn us. So travelling 300 years to the past was a mission not accomplished...
