James Webb Telescope Has Detected 750 Galaxies Beyond The Observable Universe

This telescope does detect 750 unexplained galaxies outside our observable universe. It challenges the big bang theory.

The history of our universe is a very interesting tale that has attracted the attention of human beings for years. Beginning from ancient times, humans began to ask questions regarding how and why the cosmos surrounding them came into being. Across ages, scientists have developed different theories and models explaining how the universe came to be, and one of the most known theories is called the Big Bang theory.

However, over the years, with numerous discoveries and observations, this theory appears to have faced criticism and opened a floodgate of new concepts surrounding how the universe came to be. In the following article, we will explore how the James Webb Space Telescope has changed our view of the universe by discovering 750 galaxies that defy our previous views of the universe .

The Big Bang theory is one of the first explanations handed down to humanity regarding the origin of the universe. According to the theory, all matter in the universe came from some sort of unknown source and expanded rapidly. It therefore is this explosion of matter that led to the universe in its current form.

The theory of the Big Bang has been broadly accepted as the explanation of how the universe began. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe of today emanated from some cataclysmic phenomenon known as the Big Bang around 13.7 billion years ago. At that time, everything was contained in a singularity - a very tiny point of matter and energy and fundamental laws of the universe. Density and temperature at singularity were so extremely high that the principle of laws as we know them did not apply.

Expansion of the universe and Dark energy

Since the Big Bang, the universe has been in expansion. The cause of this expansion is dark energy, a denser energy than the galactic energy common to view. Dark energy, serving as an antigravity, does not permit the gravitational force between galaxies to attract them; hence, expands in all directions. Expanding will take galaxies further apart, so it might be said that the universe is expanding.

So scientists for decades have been collecting evidence and data to support the Big Bang theory of the universe's expansion. Data for all these years seemed to show that we indeed live in an expanding universe, with galaxies growing away from us as time progresses.

Theories in science do evolve with new discoveries.

The Criticism of the Big Bang

The recent observation of the universe has raised very important questions regarding whether the Big Bang theory is valid or not. The source of this exciting development is the powerful tool that is James Webb Space Telescope, which offers us the opportunity to explore in detail and clarity the cosmos as has not yet been done before.

The James Webb Telescope has observed 750 new galaxies that have no resemblance to what was thought. These observations directly discounted the Big Bang hypothesis, which existed for a long time as unquestionable fact in cosmology. The captured galaxies from the telescope do not match the earlier predictions based on the Big Bang theory. They appear to be much smaller, smoother, and older galaxies than imagined.

The mystery of the observed galaxies

The images captured by the James Webb Telescope are surreal. Hundreds of galaxies are visible in one image, all tied together dancing in cosmic harmony. It was puzzling the scientists as these were not like what was expected. They did not seem chaotic and disjointed because of the multiplicity of mergers and collisions but instead smaller and smoother than anyone could have thought them to be, besides showing a remarkable age with interesting speculations on their evolutionary paths.

These were surprises that raised eyebrows among scientists and brought about a rethink on previously accepted theories about galaxy formation and evolution. The observation of galaxies that are two to three times smaller than expected challenges the expected behavior in an expanding universe, where objects are supposed to appear larger as distance increases.

The softness and antiquity of galaxies

Another interesting feature is the smoothness of these galaxies. In fact, The big Bang theory dictates that since the formations and evolutions of galaxies are dynamic in nature, it will be possible to notice irregularities and variation within their structures. However, the images reveal unusually smooth galaxies without at least one degree of complexity and roughness that would normally be expected to be seen in galaxies of their age.

This observation seems to contradict the traditional time-order of galaxy building within the Big Bang cosmology. According to the Big Bang theory, at the beginning of the universe, all matter, energy and building blocks in the universe must have been compressed into an infinitely dense singularity. However, the observed galaxies appear too old to be accommodated by this theory and must have existed before the singularity.

Cosmic inflation and its implications

To understand these surprising observations in detail, one should remember something about cosmic inflation. Cosmic inflation refers to the time when the universe started increasing exponentially with an extremely rapid and violent expansion that is much greater than the speed of light. In this process, the stretching of space plus the carried matter and energy were expanded.

Cosmic inflation played the most important role as it smoothed out irregularities in the large scale of structure and distributed matter and energy homogeneously. However, new observations suggested that galaxy mergers are not a usual process in galactic evolution, and newly discovered galaxies seem to have experienced few or no mergers. This subsequently raises questions on how these small galaxies would have grown into the massive galaxies we view in space today.

Implications of New Discoveries

The observations made by the James Webb Telescope have given deep questions that raise our understanding of previous conceptions of the universe and its formation time. The galaxies that have been detected compete with evidence against the Big Bang theory, which sets every scientist back as they seek to make new conclusions in the comprehension of the origin of the cosmos.

This new knowledge reminds us that even the previously accepted theories could be questioned depending on new observations and discoveries. Once we continue exploring and studying more about the universe, further possibilities open to understand our cosmic origin to a greater extent.


Here, the James Webb Space Telescope has discovered 750 galaxies that create fragmentation upon our earlier conceptions. Such discovery ranges from the concept of Big Bang theory to its evolution in how the universe should have been evolving, thus raising a question over some of the prevalent formulas. These galaxies can be seen better as smoother, smaller, and older than they were expected, thus bringing about a change in the existing theories on galaxy formation and evolution.

As science grows, so does what a person will learn and has to change about how they thought something was. Take this recent discovery, for instance. It goes to show that the universe is an ever-changing place and that the universe still has much in store for further discoveries and understanding of the cosmos surrounding us.

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