Huge UFO hiding in South Korean mountains, says Steven Greer

American ufologist Steven M. Greer claims to know of a facility outside Seoul, South Korea, that has allegedly kept a “HUGE UFO” hidden.

In a world where the unexplained and mysterious capture the public imagination, claims about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and their connections to alien technologies remain a topic of fascination and controversy. One of the most prominent figures in the field of ufology, Dr. Steven M. Greer , has recently made headlines again with a startling claim: the existence of a massive UFO hidden in the mountains of South Korea.

An amazing discovery

American ufologist Steven M. Greer, known for his work in the field of UFO/UAN disclosure, has gone public with his belief that a secret facility outside Seoul, South Korea, has been hiding an unidentified flying object of enormous proportions. This discovery, according to Greer, calls into question not only our current understandings of technology and physics, but also the transparency of governments in relation to extraterrestrial phenomena.

During a recent event dedicated to UFO/UAN disclosure, Greer shared details about strange sightings and claimed that extraterrestrial entities are considered “ non-hostile .” This focus on peace and intergalactic cooperation stands in stark contrast to the implications of her other statements about stealth technologies, satellite warfare systems, and especially, about underground facilities unknown to the public.

Revelations on social media

A video featuring Dr. Greer discussing these topics has begun circulating on platforms like Reddit and TikTok, capturing the attention and disbelief of many. In it, he mentions not only the existence of advanced technologies and UFO/UAP-related projects in underground facilities in the United States, but also a specific facility outside of Seoul that supposedly houses a gigantic UFO.

This alien vehicle, according to Greer, was shot down using some form of electronic warfare technology and had to be contained by excavating a large portion of the mountain, because its size prevented its relocation. The claim that it is “ still there ” suggests a secret of monumental proportions, hidden literally beneath the surface.

An incident shrouded in mystery

Rumors suggest that this incident occurred in the late 1990s, leaving South Korean soldiers terrified by an object whose technological capabilities far exceeded what was imaginable at the time. Websites have posted coordinates for a remote mountain location marked by buildings next to a huge concrete circle, supposedly the site of the downed UFO.

Although South Korean authorities insist the area is simply a “government compound,” the site’s strange shape and unknown purpose, along with its isolation, have fueled conspiracy theories for years. With a diameter of 82 meters, this concrete circle marked on maps as a “military facility” remains an enigma.


Dr. Steven M. Greer's claims open a new chapter in the debate over the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life, as well as the level of government transparency regarding these issues. While some may see these revelations as a step toward the truth, others remain skeptical due to the lack of concrete evidence. What is certain is that the mystery and curiosity surrounding UFOs remains as vast as the universe itself.

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