Alien Cities Filmed on the Dark Side of the Moon

The secret of Syn 25: Alien cities filmed on the dark side of the Moon by NASA on a secret mission.

This is surely one of the best-kept NASA secrets, a tale hidden in the dark for nearly half a century. If you haven't heard about it, we have prepared "Syn 25" or NASA's 25th Secret Mission to the Moon for you. This was a mission NASA had set up in the 1960s with a very unique and enigmatic purpose of doing explorations on the dark side of the Moon in search of life. It's the aim of this article to decode the true aspects of this covered mission and the amazing pictures hidden for decades which can change the very idea of the Moon and our existence in the universe altogether.

The Mystery of Syn 25: A Secret Mission in the Dark

Never have there been such fervent interest towards space travel than in the 1960s. Having been ceaselessly asking questions about life beyond worlds, NASA comes up with a secret mission called Syn 25. The objective is clear but mysterious: it aims to penetrate into the dark side of the Moon, to discern whether or not the Moon does harbour life.

The Revealing Images

Images were taken during the Syn 25 mission, which had been hidden from the world for decades. The photo below is one of the most striking, which was taken during the mission. In this, we can clearly see structures resembling cities. But they are not terrestrial cities; they are cities on the Moon.

According to experts who have accessed these images, these cities on the Moon are well over 500,000 years old. The question on everybody's mind is this: how is this possible? What ancient civilization could have built these structures on the Moon?

The Mystery of Location

One of the very interesting mysteries is how this mission was carried out on the dark side of the Moon and not on the illuminated side. Was this a strategy to keep them hidden from other extraterrestrial civilizations? It's a theory that has been gaining ground in recent years. If the Moon harbors advanced life, what measures did they take to remain secret?

Why did NASA hide these images?

Why did NASA keep those images secret for so long? Was it intergalactic war or mankind reaction to extraterrestrial life? There are speculations and theories that surfaced in answering the question.

The Theory of Occultation

MANY believe that the reason behind covering up these images was that NASA was afraid of what implications unveiling the fact of advanced civilizations on the Moon may carry in the face of humanity, since it could cause it to be faced with unprecedented moral and political dilemmas. How would the world react to a possibility of communication with beings from another world?

Lunar War: The Reality of Tomorrow

Another theory is an exciting one: NASA never returned because it did not want to open the vault and risk starting an intergalactic war. If a civilization was on the Moon that felt that humanity, by trespassing its home, was threatening it, human history would never be the same.

What Does This Mean for Humanity?

Images captured from the Syn 25 bring extremely basic questions in respect of the way we have known the universe and its place in our reality. If we discover that the Moon actually houses advanced life, then what do we see next for vast cosmos? This will change the way we think of existing. Are we ready to accept that we are not alone in the universe?


One of the best kept secrets in space history relates to the mystery mission that NASA went on the Moon, Syn 25. It raises very interesting questions as far as our way of understanding the universe and the mystery of life as it refers to other worlds. The fact that NASA kept them under wraps for almost 50 years leaves one wondering what would happen if such a thing occurred for humanity. We had better be ready to accept the truth that we are not alone in this vast cosmos, after all.

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