They find the first city on Mars that houses 1 million people, its food would be insects

In an unexpected twist straight out of a science fiction novel, space explorers have made an unprecedented discovery: a city on Mars designed to house up to a million people. This finding not only challenges our understanding of space history, but also raises fascinating questions about the possibilities of life and colonization on the Red Planet. Surprisingly, evidence suggests that the main diet of its inhabitants would have been insects.

The Discovery of the Martian City

The discovery was made thanks to an exploratory mission that, when investigating previously unexplored regions of Mars, found structures that indicated the presence of an advanced civilization. This finding is the first of its kind and represents a paradigm shift in our exploration of outer space.

Features and Technology

Early inspections reveal that the city has advanced sustainability systems, including methods for water recycling and oxygen generation. The architecture shows a combination of engineering adapted to the extreme conditions of Mars and futuristic aesthetics, with planning that suggests a high priority on energy efficiency and self-sufficiency.

The Insect-Based Diet

Analysis of artifacts and residues found at the site indicates that the inhabitants of this Martian city could have turned to insects as their main source of food. This choice would have been motivated by the insects' efficiency in converting food into protein, a crucial factor in a resource-limited environment like Mars.

Implications for Current Science

This aspect of the discovery highlights the versatility and sustainability of insects as a food source, providing valuable learning for future space colonization missions and sustainability efforts on Earth.

Redefining Space Colonization

This discovery raises new questions about the history of Mars and the possibility of life, whether past or future, on the planet. The existence of a city of this magnitude suggests that planet colonization might not be just a distant dream.

Next Steps in Exploration

Space agencies are already planning additional missions to further explore this city. The goal is to better understand the technology used in its construction and operation, and learn how a civilization was able to thrive in such adverse conditions.


The discovery of a city on Mars capable of housing a million people is a milestone in space exploration that dramatically expands the horizon of what is possible. Insect-based diets underscore the ingenuity needed to adapt to harsh environments, offering valuable lessons for future expeditions and for addressing sustainability challenges on our own planet. This discovery not only sparks curiosity and wonder, but also invites the scientific community to rethink what we know about life in the universe.

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