Scientists Discover A Chunk Of An Ancient Protoplanet In Africa And It Is Older Than The Earth Itself

According to a recent inquiry, an older meteorite was found in Algeria last year, according to ScienceAlert.

The study's worldwide team of experts concluded that the space rock is a stunning marvel that may offer hitherto undiscovered information about the early solar system.

When the rock asteroid was found in May in the Erg Check sand sea, it was instantly noted as unusual as, in contrast to other meteorites, it was clearly formed by a volcano, indicating that it might have been a component of a planet's crust.

However, as described in a recent article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, an analysis of the sample's isotopes' radioactive decay indicated that it began approximately 4.566 billion years ago. Given that its age is slightly more than that of Earth, it was most likely formerly a component of another, potentially extinct globe.

It's not immediately clear what protoplanet the asteroid might have originated from.

It is the oldest magmatic rock discovered to far, thus future research on it is probably likely, the researchers pointed out in their report. Furthermore, the analysis of the ancient fragment by academics may yield new insights into the solar system's past.



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